Okay, so I have been home now for about two months!
I managed to get my job back at party packagers, and quit for the 5th time...
My niece was born August 15th weighing 5 pounds 9 ounces, and absoutley stunning
I am reunited with my family and friends, and it has been amazing.
These past two months have gone by so fast! And now im off to start a new adventure with Skylar in sunny Florida for 6 months!!!
I have to start packing yet again ohhhh the joys
We move to Burlington on Thursday, for the last month in good on Ontario!
Basically everyone has asked "why are you going to Burlington?"
Well the family Skylar and I will be working for are originally from Canada, and live in Burlington, but head to Florida during the winter! So we are going to live and work with them until we move to Florida :)
Skylar and I get to take care of twin girls who are 14 months old and adorable!! Funny thing is their birthday is the day after ours!!! How perfect :)
Its starting to get cold, I cant wait to get out of here and in sunnnnnny Florida :)
I will miss everyone, but wont miss the cold!
this year i do get a white christmas though!
Anything to avoid the Canadian winter xo.